Thursday, October 31, 2024

Week 10 D Stage Hercules


For this week I was assigned multiple tasks to help with the VR Project.  The first task was to set a material library for the proxy assets we have and assign them their own color/spec/roughness values.

Here is the library itself.

I also worked further on the hands only making some minor adjustments but I went ahead and UVed the hands and they should be ready to go for a High Poly sculpt pass.

Lastly I reworked the helmet to scale properly and it shouldn't feel to small this go around. I scaled it to the head size of the Manny mesh from Unreal. I also went ahead and cleaned up the model so it has a proper low poly and is also ready for a high poly sculpt pass.

Perforce Submission!

Perforce Submission!

Perforce Submission!

Monday, October 28, 2024

Week 10 Proxy/Proto-meshing


This is the official second week for the block out and this week was a focus on some proportional adjustments as well as blocking in the clothing and accessories for the character. I wanted to maintain a cute factor for him and not clutter the design by giving him too many articles of clothing or accessories. I wanted enough to wear a small toddler can feel comfy but also have the character still appear slightly decorative. I do feel that the silhouette reads very well while still maintaining the spirit of the character! 

Here is a shot of the BPR in Zbrush, most of the block out is still being done in Zbrush with the crown being blocked out in Maya and then imported back into Zbrush. Currently keeping the details light so I can play around with the shapes and placement of objects easier.

Here is a polygroup pass, showing the separation of these parts within their own subtools allowing me to easily select shapes and push things around efficiently.

Here's my current reference board, only added a few new things to it, plus my previous render passes to help visualize the progression of the character.

Here is a model reference I have been observing from SketchFab. One of the main references I have been envisioning for this project is the quality level of the Super Mario Bros movie that recently released. The way they do their texture work and quality of the overall models is something I am reaching for. This model is fan made but in my opinion has a good level of topology for Bowser and hits very close to the quality of the actual movie. 

Here is the actual model rendered out fully, as you can see the quality is very very close to the real work from Illumination and Nintendo. 

This is another reference video I wanted to throw in, it's a short talk on how Disney can utilize Zbrush to make compelling character designs. They have some really neat design philosophy and is another quality bar I would like to match with this baby turtle.

Here is my perforce submission as well into the depot!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Week 9 Block Out Phase (Baby Turtle)


For this project the 3D class was assigned to make an environment based on a fantastical concept of turtles living out their lives on a terraformed moon, with a sort of Mesoamerican culture. As one of the Character Artists on the team I was assigned with the creation of an infant in the turtle civilization.

I started my process in Zbrush after gathering my reference I used cubes and polyspheres and started pushing forms around trying to blockout the initial proportions and anatomy for a toddler turtle. I utilized both dynamesh and dynamic subdivision to create clean organic shapes. This round I'm not too worried about topology or anything it's just laying forms down until I come to a good stopping point. Overall I think I landed on a very cute design that I'm excited to push forward.

Here is my reference board initially I started the process by finding other artists that may have attempted doing a juvenile anthropomorphic turtle and I was able to find two good sources but both taken in different directions. I decided to go after a much more cutesy look. After settling on that I started scouring for ideas on potential outfits that the infant could wear. I'm steering towards a headdress and some simple garb to make the baby stand out but also look comfortable in what it's wearing. And with references from my peers on good blockout and real life turtle reference thrown in to keep the project in scope of what I want to do! 

This is some research onto a talk from the Diablo Character Art Team, the entire video is useful but the point I want to reference is at 13:33 in the video on a quick and efficient way to lay down armor or clothing and have it stick realistically to a character, surprisingly simple but really effective and I can see this helping out all the Character Artists on this project!

This is another research point I would like to throw in and while not coming in handy quite just yet in the process I do believe that once texturing comes rolling around for these characters that this will be a great resource. This is a video by J Hill a Lead Character Artist at Turtle Rock and he demonstrates how he does is skin texturing pipeline in Substance Painter. And while it is on a human character I believe that skin texturing is typically the same for most creatures with layering and layering in Substance. His workflow does slightly differ into more of a cinematics pipeline but the techniques can easily apply to game asset pipelines.

And these are the perforce submissions for both the build and the source depot.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Week 3 Treasure Chest

Here is the final steps for the Treasure Chest Assignment, textured in Substance Painter and rendered out in Unreal Engine 5.

Here is a multi pass view of the chest featuring the normals, wireframes, the beauty, and a grey render.

The Normal Pass.

The Grey Pass.

The Wire Frame Pass.

The reference.


Hard Surface Modeling Week 3

For this week we're finishing up our hard surface project, and I finished out the armor for the Crimson Knight.  These are some beauty s...